Over 5 million questions ready for you to play
TriviaSpar is a Trivia App that lets you earn points and exchange them for stuff. The more you play the more you earn. Forget the mind numbing trivia questions you are used to (although we have those too), answer questions about cars, botany, movies, history and many other categories. Try our Skilled Gaming for even more excitement.
Key Features
• The new trivia based game, that is not only about trivia
• Over 5 million questions sourced from several data partners in categories like Movies, Art, Music, Health, ICD Coding, History, Science, Cars, general trivia and more!
• Self play allowed you to earn and learn in any category you choose
• Duel play allows you to challenge others on any topic of your choosing. We have an endless list of topics in each category. Earn points for playing!
• Tournament play allows you to play 4, 8 or 16 players for the same questions. Larger tournaments earn you more points if you win!